Pain is a natural way for our bodies to communicate with us. Chronic pain can be debilitating, frustrating, and debilitating.

Our pain clinic uses the biopsychosocial method to manage pain. This includes physiotherapy, medication in addition to low-invasive pain treatment procedures. Oral or intravenously administered medications are offered.


The pain may be persistent or acute. It can also impact the quality of sleep, mood, and overall quality of life. Experts in pain management can provide various treatment and medical methods to lessen pain and improve the health of the patients.

The multidisciplinary approach they employ for managing pain is aimed to help patients get back to normal life as quickly as they can. These services include physiotherapy and medication as well non-surgical procedures, such as an acupuncture block or nerve block.

Castle Connolly has recognized them as having Top Doctors. Their facilities are equipped with top-quality medical equipment made by reputable manufacturers like 3M, GE, and Siemens. They also have affiliations with hospitals, which means they are able to continue your treatment should you need to be hospitalized. It gives you the security of knowing that your treatment is as thorough as is possible.

Therapy for physiotherapy

The role of physiotherapy is crucial in treating chronic pain, as it can improve physical mobility, relieve muscle tension and aid in restoring normal sleeping patterns. It is a great way to combat anxiety and depression which may cause or aggravate pain.

It is best to choose a clinic that uses a multidisciplinary approach for pain management. A physical therapist can help you identify and treat the issues with your movement and offer you exercise advice. They could recommend Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi or Swimming as beneficial exercises to reduce the pain and improve your overall health.

You must look for a pain clinic that offers psychological services such as counseling and therapy, and teaches relaxation techniques. This will help reduce depression and anxiety that can make your pain feel more severe and cause a decrease in your quality of living. Keep a journal of your pain to track your pain and its effects.

Pain Management

It is part of your body`s natural communication system. It can be caused due to injuries, illnesses or any other condition. It can be acute, and disappear after healing, or chronic pain can last over a period of months or even years. Pain specialists can regulate pain with medications, procedures, and exercises.

A specialist in pain management will take time to get to know you during your first visit to the clinic. You will be asked to describe your pain and rate it on the scale. Do remember to see a dr. bernard lee if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

They`ll then conduct an examination of the body, which includes pressing on the area affected and moving it around. They may also do an x-ray or blood test to determine the extent of the discomfort. They will then give you an initial diagnosis or a working one in light of the results of tests and the experience they have gained.

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